Help us add billboards like the one above all across America.
Our Goal
To return the power of law making to the hands of the non-lawyer American people where it belongs.
First, we want all visitors to know and understand that this project is not a political action organization but it is merely an educational project.
We believe that the more American citizens know and understand about the national legal industry and judiciary and what it has done to this country in the last 50 years, will see their actions as a major basis for the societal discontent we see from coast to coast today. If we as American citizens want to change the direction of our nation’s legal system, for the betterment of the nation, we must start somewhere. The only legal way to enact this change is through the voting process at all government levels. How do we do that? Simple, IF THE CANDIDATE IS A LAWYER VOTE NO. The constitution of the United States of America does not state anywhere that an elected political individual must be a lawyer. It somewhat follows that elected officials that think their job is to create laws, they first be a lawyer. Many citizens may believe that you must be an elected lawyer to create laws. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is the national legal industry wants you to believe that. Through the acquisition of more power, lawyers generate more money for themselves. The reality is that the US legal industry is the world’s largest self-serving business. Lawyers make the rules and then they prosecute the citizens that they say break their rules.