Help us add billboards like the one above all across America.

Our Goal

To return the power of law making to the hands of the non-lawyer American people where it belongs.


First, we want all visitors to know and understand that this project is not a political action organization but it is merely an educational project.


We believe that the more American citizens know and understand about the national legal industry and judiciary and what it has done to this country in the last 50 years, will see their actions as  a major basis for the societal discontent we see from coast to coast today.  If we as American citizens want to change the direction of our nation’s legal system, for the betterment of the nation, we must start somewhere. The only legal way to enact this change is through the voting process at all government levels. How do we do that? Simple, IF THE CANDIDATE IS A LAWYER VOTE NO. The constitution of the United States of America does not state anywhere that an elected political individual must be a lawyer. It somewhat follows that elected officials that think their job is to create laws, they first be a lawyer. Many citizens may believe that you must be an elected lawyer to create laws. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is the national legal industry wants you to believe that. Through the acquisition of more power, lawyers generate more money for themselves. The reality is that the US legal industry is the world’s largest self-serving business. Lawyers make the rules and then they prosecute the citizens that they say break their rules.

Is America Really Free?

If you were to understand just how many rules (laws) are on the books throughout America you could only conclude that America is not free, we are just being told we are. The sad fact today is that if a citizen is assumed to be in violation of one of these laws, they cannot in most cases, afford to defend themselves. Most lawyer’s fees today are $250 (that’s a cheap one) to $500 per hour and up. The environment that the national lawyers club has created for themselves is in reality barring citizen from their right to fair and impartial justice in our courts. The bottom line is we cannot financially afford to ask the courts and juries to mitigate our legitimate civil problems. The Founders of this country could not have imagined that the lawyer industry would eventually end up like this. There is no access to justice in this country for the average American Citizen. If the lawyers can’t make huge amounts of money taking a case, they refuse to take honest and serious cases without huge fee’s that most citizens cannot afford. Second to that, the lawyer industry is using what is known as tort law and other types of laws to use the court system as a weapon against anyone who dare get in their way or their high paying client’s way. This corruption, weaponizing the courts, ensures more money for themselves and extends throughout the entire judiciary (courts and judges included).

Get Involved....

So, what to do? We believe that the only way to change and reduce the number of laws, including the incredible pain they inflect on citizen with astronomical fines, is to bring average intelligent citizens like yourselves into the law-making arena. Only vote for non-lawyers and demand that those you vote for change this direction. Our approach to this is to pay for billboard signs all over America that says what is on the billboard above. We need to educate and make citizen aware of what is being done to them for the benefit of rich lawyers. There seems to be a breakdown of the constitutional means for “checks and balances” so the voting booth is our only hope. The Washington lawyers, the FBI, the CIA and other government lawyer agencies have put the fear of God into the congress and others for fear of reprisals should they or you ever try to limit their power. We need the people’s representatives, not lawyer politicians to fix this problem.

Join the Evolution!

As a member of this organization your funds will be going to the building and leasing of highway side billboards. These are an expensive means of advertising and your financial help will support this goal. Have you ever noticed that many billboards around major cities are ads for lawyers? This personal injury game, essentially a lottery like opportunity that promotes people against people, people against companies and people against insurance companies. This would never have been allowed by the founders, yet it grows every year. Why? If you do not know by now you will over the coming months and years by reading our monthly “Opinion Papers”. We have to start somewhere if we are collectively ready to try and fix the problem. I believe this could take a generation to fix, but due to the huge entrenchment of the lawyer control in this nation and the lack of public education regarding this matter, it will not be easy.